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QuadrigaCX Wallets Are Empty: They Haven’t Been Used Since April

1970-1-1 08:00| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 616| 评论: 0|原作者: [db:作者]|来自: ICO Brothers Media

Ernst & Young audit company published the third report on Canadian crypto currency exchange QuadrigaCX investors rehabilitation procedure. Auditor’s report describes 6 crypto currency wallets which were used to store Bitcoin first. In addition to a weird BTC transaction worth of $500 000 made mistakenly, no other deposits have been made since April, 2018. At the moment, there’s no information explaining why Quadriga stopped using identified wallets last spring.

To recap, the exchange filled in application for creditors protection in the beginning of February when it lost access to the cold wallet storages. This all happened because of sudden death of Gerald Cotten. Since that time, the exchange, the court, EY and the investigators are trying to find out what happened to the exchange’s funds.
First of all, EY managed to reveal at least several fancy accounts which were used for trading on Quadriga.

Also,as it is reported, Cotten, allegedly, stored precious data in Amazon Web Services cloud. However, it won’t be possible to access them because of service privacy policy.

Earlier, this week, the crypto currency exchange Kraken announced $100 000 reward for access to QuadrigaCX’s Canadian exchange’s money. Additionally, it is suspected that Cotten used a paper wallet which was stored in a rented safety deposit.







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