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Blockstream Released A New Lightning Network Update

1970-1-1 08:00| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 655| 评论: 0|原作者: [db:作者]|来自: ICO Brothers Media

Blockchain company Blockstream developers presented a new version of software designed for Bitcoin blockchain scaling – c-lightning.

Blockstream Presented c-lightning Update
с-lightning – is implementation of the network of the second layer Lightning Network produced by Blockstream, designed to solve bitcoin network scalability issue. According to Blockstream’s publication, the latest update, c-lighting 0.7, is the first major release for the last 8 months. A new version includes performance improvement, bug elimination, increased privacy and new features and is also provided with expanded documentation.
The main difference between a new version and previous ones is plug-in support which allow the developers to implement additional features with the help of own extensions written in various programming languages, in particular, C, Go, Python.

C-lightning developers note that software became more flexible, it will be adjustable. It is supposed that a wide set of tools allowing, for example, to monitor activity in the network or implement features for channels on the basis of plug-ins.

Note that ?route boost? feature is one of the most important changes implemented in c-lightning 0.7, reliability of payment transfer increases – this is one of the main Lightning Network’s problems at the moment. Additionally, the developers worked on Lightning Network compatibility with various OS.







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