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A Group of Hackers Said That 49% of Bitcoin Cash Nodes Are Connected With Alibab ...

2019-3-18 14:00| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 689| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

The BitPico hacker group said that most of IP addresses of Bitcoin Cash nodes are close to each other, and 49% are located on a Chinese cloud farm owned by Alibaba.

The group is known for conducting stress tests on cryptocurrencies and identifying companies associated with them. Recently, BitPico decided to check the Bitcoin Cash network and initiated a cyber-attack. As a result, hackers have found that most IP-addresses are in close proximity to each other, and 80% of them are controlled by only 12 operators. After a detailed analysis of all the nodes, the team said that 49% of the servers were on the Alibaba cloud farm.

A list of all IP addresses and research results were published on Twitter. In addition, the group considers the fact that 80% of the addresses involved in the stress test are blocked in the cryptocurrency network, a confirmation of the fictitious decentralization of Bitcoin Cash. According to BitPico, the monthly cost for the maintenance of all nodes is approximately $100 thousand.

However, not everyone agreed with such accusations. Some users took the side of the BCH, accusing hackers of lying. They rely on statistical data from analytical resources. For example, according to bchnodes.online, the nodes are located in 47 countries, and most of them are in the US, China and Germany. Roger Ver, a well-known supporter of Bitcoin Cash, suggests that hackers provoke a split in the community and seek to initiate a hard fork.







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