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Bithumb Crypto Exchange Has Lost 40% of Trading Volume for 3 Days

2019-3-18 13:56| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 621| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

South-Korean crypto currency exchange Bithumb has lost 40% of the trading volume for three days after stopping registering new users.

It is worth noticing that the crypto exchange is in the process of “improvement of servicing”, because of which it did not manage to prolong the contract with the bank after the recent hackers’ attack.

A trading platform has to stop registration of new users for some time.

Usually, average daily trading volume of Bithumb was $350 million, according to the data of CoinMarketCap. It has reduced to $200 million over the last 3 days, this means that it has dropped by more than 40%.

The exchange notes that the clients which already have accounts linked to the exchanges banking account can use them to maintain the deposits and withdraw the funds.

Let us recall that it became known earlier that Bithumb exchange had been hacked in the end of June, about $30 million worth of digital currency had been lost.







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