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UniCredit Has Made the First Transaction via Blockchain

2019-3-18 13:56| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 598| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

Italian UniCredit Bank has made the first international transaction via blockchain. It was made on the We.trade platform. German online store Navabi GmbH has taken part in the experiment, too, and the latter is considered to be successful, says the bank’s site

Why Is It Important:

? Blockchain is used to make transactions is various areas of economy more and more often, and transactions become faster and more transparent due to it. For example, the biggest Australian bank tested the technology of distributed ledger transferring almond between the continents several days ago.

? Major European banks have created a blockchain platform We.trade together with IBM in order to make international operations more efficiently. The service tracks transactions with the help of DLT technology and uses smart contracts to automate the payments.

This transaction is the first of its kind in the German market. With the help of the blockchain platform, online store published an order for a Spanish supplier, on the part of which Banko Santander helped to make a transaction. 10 companies have already made transactions with the help of We.trade platform. It will become available for corporative clients of the banks-participants in the near future, they will be provided with access to international markets by the end of the year.







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