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Cory Johnson: XRP is better, faster, cheaper than Bitcoin 2.0

2019-3-18 13:45| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 517| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

Ripple’s New Chief Market Strategiest, Cory Johnson, is certainly a known quantity in the traditional financial world. He co-founded TheStreet.com with CNBC’s Jim Cramer. Cory explained Ripple as an enterprise software company which builds software and sells it to financial institutions, like banks and remittance companies. Some of their products use a cryptocurrency as digital assets called XRP and the firm is trying to solve this really big problem which is moving money across borders.

One of the important takeaways from the podcast is that Johnson understands that Ripple can die without actually killing XRP. It’s true that the primary development of XRP happens at Ripple Labs, and that the company is also mostly responsible for market penetration and other progress that XRP (the Ripple token) has made, but nonetheless, as an entity XRP could live on in the absence of Ripple Labs. Other companies which rely on and build on it would simply have to take up the slack.

Ripple’s major competitor is SWIFT that is seen as an ld technology nowadays and the XRP primary goal is to make cross boarder transactions cheaper legally. That’s why Johnson believes that Ripple is a “Bitcoin 2.0”. He often compared Ripple and Bitcoin and recently pointed out commenting via Twitter on the hyper-sensational headlines about the emissions that Bitcoin mining induces. He stated that Ripple was no longer a startup and a lot of experts supported the thought that Ripple could become a very influential project by combining the best feature of cryptocurrencies and obeying the law at the same time.







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