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Crypto Halloween: Regulation Threats and More Criticism

2019-3-18 13:45| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 1050| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

Tuesday, October 30, was quite unremarkable for the crypto marker.
However, the news surrounding it is not positive whatsoever. Here are some of them:
The president of BaFin, Felix Hufeld, has told investors to lay their hands of “ICOs” since they are prone to a lot of financial scandals. However, he did add that he was in favor of creating a “global regulatory framework” for initial coin offerings so that they can become safer for everyone to make use of in the near future.
South Korean financial regulators are cracking down on unauthorized cryptocurrency funds. In particular, one crypto fund launched by a local exchange is reportedly being investigated. The exchange claims no wrongdoing as its token activities were carried out overseas, but has promptly canceled its plan to launch a second fund.
the United Kingdom’s Financial Conduct Authority has affirmed that it will consider whether it will ban the sale of crypto derivatives or not. Unlike other similar markets, the derivatives like contracts for difference (CFDs), futures and options fall within the boundaries of the FCA. Thus, they require permission.
Similar position was announced by Janet Louise Yellen, the former Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System of the U.S. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) said it is getting closer to the establishment of a global set of anti-money laundering (AML) standards for cryptocurrencies as well.
Plus a new study published by Nature finds that expanding Bitcoin use will push global warming above 2C in two decades.
The interesting part is that cryptocurrencies don’t seem to be effected by all this news at all.







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