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Mizuho Corporation Launches Its Own Crypto Currency In March

2019-3-18 12:58| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 542| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

Japanese banking holding will present J-Coin token which will be backed by yen.

J-Coin stablecoin and a new mobile app will be presented by a Japanese banking holding Mizuho Financial Group, reports Nikkei Asian Review. The service will be launched on March, 1st, about 60 financial organizations are involved, they have 56 million users in total.

The corporation will compete with country’s popular apps which are offered by Line messenger’s operator and an online retailer Rakuten.

J-Coin Pay won’t be different from other apps – the user will have to scan QR-code and make payment. Transfer of money between banking account and digital wallet will be free unlike Line Pay app which charges commission.
Mizuho’s program will provide an opportunity to transfer funds, for example, pocket money for children. Also, banking holding will decrease transaction commission for outlets and will work with foreign services such as Alipay.

The company is planning to cover 300 stores and 6.5 million users in the near future. Client base of Line messenger, for example, contains 79 million, and it will be possible to make payments in 1.3 million outlets via the app.

Holding announced plans for launch of J-Coin in the end of previous year. It is promised that the buyers who use stablecoin will get discounts in the stores.







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