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Crypto Fund Pantera Capital Raised $125 Million

2019-3-18 12:56| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 636| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

$125 million more were invested in Pantera Capital. The fund will spend them on setting up its venture department to work with crypto currencies and blockchain. According to the company’s representatives, the startup will be launched in March, this year, if $175 million are raised.

The Future Of Pantera Capital
The company managed to hold negotiations with a huge number of investors during a small period of time, but not all of them made up their mind. In particular, it negotiated with pension funds and institutions. The fund is planning to support at least 30 companies. It sent about 30 requests regarding investing in a promising project.

The main priority for Pantera Capital is development of custodian solutions for an exchange. Also, it is planned to create safe utilities for asset, investment and infrastructure management.

At the moment, Pantera Capital owns a share of Bakkt crypto currency platform designed for several investors and independent startups. Platform’s representatives noted that it would be necessary to postpone the projects if amount of investments wasn’t sufficient.

It has been reported earlier that Deutsche is going to launch crypto currency futures.







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