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Spencer Bogart: It’s High Time To Buy Bitcoin

2019-3-18 12:56| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 600| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

Blockchain Capital representative Spencer Bogart claimed that it’s the best time for investors to buy Bitcoin. According to him, the coin can increase to such an extent that it will pay off.

The Time Of Bitcoin
Bogart notes that the crypto market stands still at the moment. Volatility accompanies by growth of the main coin and drop of altcoins throw investors out of their stride. In addition, Bitcoin started growing rapidly in the second half of the month remaining at the same level for more than a week. This trend signifies that the bull market is coming in the long term run.

Bogart says that bitcoin has already been here, it заоблачных has just hidden. But now it’s back and it is ready to hit new records. He believes that $4000 level may be an important sign. Bogart advises the investors to get ready and consider buying a coin because it can skyrocket in the near future.

Interest of central banks from all over the world is also a driver for Bitcoin. Additionally, decrease of capitalization of traditional assets also means that the coin will probably start growing actively in February.
It has been reported earlier that Spanish mining startup will give $68 million back to investors.







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