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Bitcoin Core Dev Denied Rumors About Bitcoin Emission

2019-3-18 12:55| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 657| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

Wlad van der Laan, the lead maintainer of bitcoin’s most widely used software, has harsh words for those engaged in an ongoing debate about whether the cryptocurrency’s finite supply will ever be increased, Coindesk reports.
The developer is usually hesitant to comment, but he answered a comment from Jiang Zhuoer recently that Bitcoin’s next goal would be to increase the supply. He affirmed that the team never actually planned to increase the supply at all and that it was “bullshit”.

An important figure most visible to bitcoin’s open-source developer community, van der Laan leads a weekly meeting over the chat program IRC to discuss the project’s technical roadmap. Further, he and the other maintainers Jonas Schnelli and Marco Falke are the last line of defense when checking new changes added to bitcoin’s code.

Recently, Jiang Zhuoer, the CEO of BTC.TOP, a Bitcoin mining pool, has argued that some developers want to increase the supply of Bitcoin. This would obviously be good for a miner, as they still are needed to continue mining transactions. Developer Matt Huong has recently talked about the idea, too. This has caused outrage.

Right from the start, a part of Bitcoin’s appeal is that the currency is based on scarcity, so it does not seem like something that will make a lot of sense to simply kill off this important concept.

Van der Laan argued that if the developers behind Bitcoin Core ever tried to push through such a thing, people shouldn’t follow them.







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