
以下是本次 AMA 的文字整理。
欢迎@Vladimir Demin 做客蚂蚁社区
Q1:我们了解到,BlackOcean是一家创新暗池平台。暗池在传统金融交易市场属于基础设施,在数字资产交易市场暗池发展状况是什么样的?We’ve learned that BlackOcean is an innovative dark pool platform. Dark pools are part of the infrastructure in traditional financial trading markets. What is the development status of dark pools in digital asset trading markets?
(翻译后)嘉宾:很好的问题! 实际上,暗池在某种程度上表明了市场的成熟。 只要市场对大型参与者不感兴趣,它就会停留在非专业的水平上。 巨鲸为市场带来了流量,稳定性,新工具,新客户,新服务。 这样,整个市场进入了全新的样貌。 直到去年年底,对暗池服务的需求并不大。 现在一切都变了,我们看到大型公司,银行,基金正试图赶上数字货币浪潮。 Blackocean是一个合适的暗池平台,与所有其他现有场所不同。 我们非常了解传统金融市场中的巨鲸需求,因此这产品应该是目前唯一符合且独特的平台。Very good question right from the start! Actually, dark pool is a somewhat indicator of the matured market. As long as the market is not interesting for big players it stays on the very unprofessional level. Whales bring to the market volume, stability, new tools, new customers, new services. Thus, the whole market enters into the totally new life. Dark pool as a service was not on big demand till the end of the last year. All changed now and we see how big corporations, banks, funds are trying to catch the crypto wave. Black Ocean is a proper dark pool platform different from all other existing venues. We developed it having a very deep understanding of the needs of whales from traditional finance market and it is supposed to be unique platform for now.

Q2:BlackOcean是由AI量化公司VRM孵化的,VRM在数字资产量化交易市场处于什么样的地位?有哪些成就?BlackOcean was incubated by VRM, an AI quant company. What is VRM’s position in the crypto asset quant market? What achievements have you made?
(翻译后)嘉宾:现在,VRM是世界上顶级的交易团队之一。 我们当前的交易量约占数字货币总交易量的8-9%。 也就是说每日交易量大约有200亿美元。 我们还培育年轻的交易团队,并为成熟的交易团队进行加速服务。 这将创建围绕VRM进行的整个交易生态系统,从而使成功结果更大。VRM now is one of the top trading teams in the world. Our current trading volume represents around 8-9% of the total volume of crypto. This is to say around 20 bn. USD of daily trading. We also incubate young trading teams and accelerate matured ones. This creates the whole eco-system of trading around VRM that makes results even bigger.
Q3:.BlackOcean的代币名称令社区感到困惑,为什么不是BO,而是FLY呢?The name of the BlackOcean token confused the community, why was it not a BO but a FLY?
(翻译后)嘉宾:FLy不仅是专门用于Blackocean的平台代币。 它可满足VRM整个生态系统的需求,提供结算,服务和增资。 Blackocean只是Fly的使用场景之一。 FLy代表FrankLin Yield,强调了桥接传统金融和数字货币这两个世界的意义。FLy is not only the platform token dedicated to Black Ocean. This token serves needs of the whole eco-system of VRM providing settlements, services and capital increase. Black Ocean is only one area where FLy can be used. FLy stands for FrankLin Yield as to highlight the sence of bridging two worlds – traditional finance and crypto.
Q4:.据报道,金融市场顶级量化机构Jump Trading正准备进入数字资产交易领域。面对激烈的市场竞争,BlackOcean的暗池业务护城河是什么呢?Jump Trading, a top quant in financial markets, is reportedly preparing to enter the crypto asset Trading space. In the face of fierce market competition, what are the barriers to BlackOcean’s dark pool business?
(翻译后)嘉宾:数字货币市场增长非常迅速,暗池平台的出现只是时间问题。 如果不是我们,那么不久之后还是有人会开发这个平台。 这就是为什么我没有真正看到Blackocean接受度的的任何实际障碍。 但是,法规仍然是整个数字货币世界的问题。 只要Black Ocean专注于传统金融,法规就是一个非常关键的领域。The market is growing very fast and dark pool platform is only the question of time to appear. If not us somebody else whould develop this platform shortly. That is why I do not really see any practical barriers to Black Ocean acceptance. However, regulations keep on being an issue for the whole crypto world. As long as Black Ocean is focused on traditional finances regulations is a very key area.

Q5:.BlackOcean未来会像alameda research那样推出类似FTX的面向C端的交易所吗?Will BlackOcean, like Alameda Research, launch a 2C exchange like FTX in the future?
(翻译后)嘉宾:我们对此没有特别的计划。 Blackocean直到明年年底的未来的计划已确定和roadmap已满。 但是我们非常受市场驱动,因此,如果我们看到对此类服务的强烈需求,我们将立即更改我们的开发计划,以将其扩展到这一领域。We do not have particular plans for this. The road-map of Black Ocean is full till the end of the next year. However, we are very market driven so if we see serious demand for this kind of services, we will immediately change our development plans to extend them on this area too.

 Q6:.请@Vladimir Demin 介绍一下BlackOcean代币FLY的经济模型~Please introduce FLY’s token economic ~
(翻译后)嘉宾:这是个非常重要的问题This is very important question.客户需要什么? 他们需要一种资产,可以帮助他们改善与公司的关系。 他们需要折扣,额外的折扣,进入交易环境的机会。 总的来说-他们所有人都想通过一家公司赚更多的钱,而Fly代币为客户提供了以下机会:
我们也知道拥有公平透明的销毁机制对交易者和客户来说很重要,所以我们每个业务方向都将花费一部分利润在二级市场上回购代币并进行销毁。What do customers need? They need an asset, which can help them to improve their relationship with a company. They need discounts, additional rebates, opportunities of access to a venue. In general – all of them want to make more money with a company and FLy token provides customers with this opportunities:
Discounted fees for market makers and traders
Increased rebates for Liquidity pool customers
Access to unique opportunities, such as staking, funding and a risk free passive income for retail and institutional ones
VRM also has its own VC, to invest into smart trading teams and FLy token is a tool to motivate their brilliant results.
We know, how it’s important for traders and customers to have fair and transparent burning mechanism and, of course, each business direction will spend a part of profit to buy back tokens on secondary markets and burn.

 Q7:请问在IEO之前,市场上总共有多少可流通的FLY?第一批FLY什么时候释放?预计释放多少?Before IEO, how many FLy were in circulation in the market? When will the first FLy be released? How much is expected to be released?
IEO计划如下:第一阶段将在本周实现,大约900万个Fly代币将在PoolZ和DuckDAO IDO平台上售出,而1,040万个代币将在Gate的IEO上售出。 之后上币时间表也很有趣,但我们之后会正式宣布。Before IEO, few thousands worth in USD were spread out amoung communities and AMA sessions participants.
IEO plans are the following: first parts will be realized this week, around 9mil FLy tokens will be realized on IDOs on PoolZ and DuckDAO platforms and 10,4mil tokens will be realized on IEO on Gate. The following listing schedule is also very interesting but we will officially announce about them a bit later.
 Q8:白皮书说上说BlackOcean会拿生态收益回购销毁FLY,请明确销毁是从二级市场购买吗?如果是,每年预计回购销毁价值多少美元的FLY?According to the white paper, BlackOcean will buy back the Fly destruction with ecological revenue. Please make it clear that the Fly destruction is purchased from the secondary market. If so, how many dollars worth of FLY are expected to be repurchased and destroyed each year?
(翻译后)嘉宾:是的,我们希望向代币持有者提供整个交易生态系统的运营价值。 因此,我们可以让散户参与到非常复杂的交易世界中,即使是非常高级的专业人士也可能会犯错。 因此,我们将花费一部分(取决于业务领域)VRM生态系统的运营利润,以市场价格回购代币,然后将其销毁掉。 顺便说一下,我们已经在今年2月已经销毁了第一部分的代币。Yes, we wish to provide to token holders the value from operational work of the whole trading eco-system. Thus, we can let retail people be involved into the very complicated world of trading where even very high-level professionals may have mistakes. So we will spend a part (depends on the business area) of operational profit of VRM eco-system to buy back tokens with the current market price and burn them after it. By the way, we have already burnt the first portion of token in this February.
Q9:上市之后,BlackOcean项目方有赋能FLY的计划吗?After listing, do the BlackOcean project partners have new plans to enpower FLY?
(翻译后)嘉宾:当然! 我们有进一步的发展和业务计划。 我们有很多合作伙伴希望为他们的服务做出贡献,以改善当前的VRM生态系统。 此外,我们欢迎新的合作伙伴,并邀请大家加入我们。 唯一的要求是拥有一个合适的产品并以自己的大脑来赚钱的目标!Of course! We have both further development and business plans. We have got a lot of partners who wish to contribute with their services to enhance the current eco-system of VRM. Moreover, we are open for new partners and invite everybody to join us. The only requirement is to have a proper product and strong aim to make money with your own brains!
好的,感谢@Vladimir Demin 的精彩分享








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