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Steve Wozniak: Bitcoin Is Not Suitable For Investing

2019-3-18 12:41| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 618| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

Apple co-founder claimed that the first crypto currency has huge potential, but it’s not a good idea to invest in it so far.

Steve Wozniak spends bitcoin when he’s travelling, but he’s not ready to invest in digital gold. Giving an interview to Bloomberg, he told that the crypto currency’s value wasn’t ruined despite the rapid rate drop.

According to Apple co-founder, the crypto market participants experience psychological influence: fear and rash acts of inexperienced investors might have huge impact on the asset price. That’s why “digital gold” is suitable only for experiments at the moment, not for innovations, regardless to huge bitcoin’s potential.

Apple co-founder announced in the end of January, 2019, that he sold most of his crypto currencies at the peak when its price was closed to its historical all-time-high of $20 000. He bought the crypto currency when its rate was no more than $700, but then he decided to get rid of it to avoid being worried because of its volatility.







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