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CCID Crypto Rating: Tron Surpasses Ethereum, But EOS “Is The First Forever”

2019-3-18 12:39| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 700| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

China Electronic Information Industry Development center published a new popular crypto currencies rating, reports Bitcoin.com. This is a research department of country’s Ministry For Industry, it is updated monthly. This time, tenth rating is published. It includes 35 blockchain projects showing how Chinese see the crypto market.

The main novelty of the 10th version is Tron crypto currency. It got ranked second at once, surpassing Ethereum. EOS is traditionally ranked first.

Bitcoin (BTC) which is called “the main” in the rest of the world, fails to be the main in China. Nevertheless, Bitcoin strengthens its positions, going up from 15th to 13th place. Bitcoin was ranked 18th just two months ago, according to Chinese institute researchers.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is ranked 27th, it made a step up. Nano, Verge and Qtum are on the rise as well. Decred, Litecoin and NEM are in the end.

Tron Crypto Currency
Tron crypto currency was issued in May, last year. China Electronic Information Industry Development center describes it in the following way: ?low level public network with high capacity, extension and reliability?. It is highlighted that the crypto currency is compatible with Ethereum smart contracts. Special attention is paid to Tron ecosystem active development: ?at the moment, there’re more than 200 Tron-based dApps?.

As a result Tron, scored 145.6 points in total, it is ranked second and surpassed only by EOS.

CCID 10th Rating’s Results
Thus, Ethereum, NEO, Nebulas, Tron and Ontology hit TOP-5. The researchers also pointed out Bitshares, Gxchain and Nano.

Projects are estimated according to several criteria: technological level, innovativeness, usage value. The points are given taking into account opinions of consultants and task teams.







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