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Ethereum Team Plans to Introduce Sharding by 2020

2019-3-18 14:02| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 653| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

In an interview with TechCrunch, Ethereum developers, including Justin Drake and Vitalik Buterin, spoke about the future solution for scaling Ethereum.

Buterin reminded that taxes on transactions in Ethereum were largely dependent on supply and demand. He admitted – if the developers had started the project again, they would have implemented many features that could have initially eliminate the scaling problem. In the current situation, when Ethereum has become a large and active platform, the solution turned out to be “fundamentally difficult”.

Justin Drake pointed out two priority areas for the Ethereum team: the Casper protocol, which should switch Ethereum from the PoW consensus to the PoS, and sharding, which will allow the blockchain to work smoothly with a large number of users and transactions.

The system updates were created separately. Moreover, the developers did not plan to implement Casper and sharding together. According to Drake, the improvements are now combined into one structure.
At the same time, the integration of the Casper protocol together with sharding will allow to “strengthen” checkpoints and create a more secure and scalable system.

The developers call the upcoming update “Ethereum 2.0” – this is an ambitious project which is likely to be implemented within a few years. By 2019, the team plans to launch Casper, after that the system will be ready for sharding. The process will take place in two stages, which should be completed by 2020.







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