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Xunlei Has Launched a High-performance File System Based on Blockchain

2019-3-18 14:02| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 769| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

Technology company Xunlei Limited, also known as “Chinese BitTorrent”, has announced the launch of a new distributed file system aimed at supporting blockchain platforms.

According to the company’s representatives, the ThunderChain file system (TCFS) will contribute to the development of blockchain technologies. In particular, it will combine some of the features of existing systems, such as the IPFS and filecoin, and a number of additional tools designed to provide the platform with flexibility and a high level of security.

Xunlei presented its new development during the event in Shenzhen, China. At the same time, the winners of the competition for developers of blockchain applications, which was held with the support of the same company, were announced.

The first details about the ThunderChain platform appeared in April this year. Then Xunlei representatives stated that the new solution is capable of processing “millions of transactions per second”.

We remind that in May Chinese President Xi Jinping suggested that the blockchain would change the structure of the world economy and, in particular, would contribute to the prosperity of his country.







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