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The First Bank Crypto-Exchange VCTRADE Was Opened in Japan

2019-3-18 14:00| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 649| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

Almost two years after the initial announcement and months of delay this year, the world’s first cryptocurrency exchange owned by the Bank was finally launched in Japan. On Tuesday, the Japanese financial giant SBI Holdings has officially launched its crypto-platform called VCTRADE.

As reported in early June, SBI first announced a limited launch of the exchange for approximately 20,000 registered users.

SBI Holdings is now beginning to accept applications from Japanese users for new accounts. Bank crypto-exchange opens its doors to all Japanese users aged from 20 to 70. Currently, the exchange accepts only retail investors without applications from corporate or institutional investors, which are under consideration.

During the pre-launch last month, VCTRADE initially offered to trade XRP. SBI Holdings is in partnership with Ripple and is studying the application of blockchain and XRP technology in the field of money transfers.

Within several weeks VCTRADE also added support for Bitcoin Cash (BCH/JPY) and Bitcoin (BTC/JYP) trading pairs.
The SBI group first announced its intention to launch its own cryptocurrency exchange in October 2016.







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