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CEO of Blockchain: Bitcoin Will Keep the Upper Hand over Other Cryptocurrencies

2019-3-18 13:59| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 670| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

As everyone knows, the major players of the usual financial world began to enter the crypto market. Peter Smith, CEO of Blockchain, says that Bitcoin will be the first to stand to gain from this, as new players prefer particularly this currency. But the consequences of this choice will not appear until the middle of 2019.

Bitcoin Will Stand To Gain in Next Six Months

At the time of writing, the bitcoin rate is approximately $7350. Over the past four hours, it has decreased by 3%. The main cryptocurrency has got close to the psychological level of $7600, but has failed to reach it, stopping at $7594. Then it has fallen down to $7270.

Traders and investors are now trying to understand whether this is the beginning of a big rally. Peter Smith in his interview with Bloomberg said that over the past few years, they had seen rapid growth, then a rapid decline and a slow consolidation of the market. He thinks that they are now witnessing a slow consolidation that will bear fruit in the near future.

Regarding the volume of trade in the crypto market, Smith noted that it was a fairly slow, measured market and that history had shown that the market consistency depends on the volume of trade.







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