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America’s Blockchain Association Founded in Argentina

2019-3-18 13:59| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 692| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

According ABA founders, the main goals for the association are increase of blockchain awareness for business, government and private users.

It was officially published that ABA already signed an agreement with Cordoba authorities for several seminars besides, Ministry of Science and Technology granted its approval as well.

Association is a non-commercial organization with HQ in Business center. ABA is planning to work with 35 companies that are also located in the area.

Two open-to-public seminars are scheduled right now and everyone are welcome to learn more about blockchain. One private seminar for officials is taking place soon as well and aiming to increase their awareness of the technology and should help developing necessary regulations of the industry.

We note that some time back the Central bank of Argentina announced that it’s going to look into blockchain technology and digital currencies. Argentina was the first country with public access to Bitcoin ATMs even though the government does not consider the development of its own digital currency yet.







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