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Sharding can be implemented in Ethereum until 2020

2019-3-18 13:58| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 641| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

In an interview organized by TechCrunch, Ethereum developers, including Justin Drake and Vitalik Buterin, talked about sharding and the possibility of its implementation in 2020.

Vitalik Buterin reminded that taxes on transactions in Ethereum mostly depended on supply and demand. Many people make transactions and want them to get into the blockchain, which is popular today. People are interested in using it, so there is a competition for transactions places in blocks.

Vitaliy Buterin says that if the developers started the project from scratch, they would be able to implement many functions that originally eliminated the problem of scaling. In the current situation, Ethereum has become a large and active platform, so the decision was “fundamentally difficult”.

Justin Drake named two the most important areas for the Ethereum team: the Casper protocol, which should transfer Ethereum from the PoW consensus to the PoS one, and sharding, which will allow the blockchain to work properly with a huge number of users and transactions.

Justin Drake also said that sharding made it possible to work with areas of the blockchain, which would exist as parallel universes. So-called cross-links or checkpoints will be used for communication between them. At the same time, combining the Casper protocol together with sharding will allow to “strengthen” checkpoints and create a more secure and scalable system.

The developers call the upcoming update Ethereum 2.0 — this is an important project, which is likely to be completed over several years. By 2019, it is planned to launch Casper, after which the system will be ready to promote sharding. This process will be carried out in two stages and should be completed by 2020.







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