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Bitcoin Exchange bitFlyer Will Freeze Accounts of Users Caught Manipulating

2019-3-18 13:57| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 619| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

Japan’s largest cryptocurrency exchange bitFlyer warned its users about the possible blocking of accounts caught in market manipulating.

Meanwhile, the registration of new accounts on bitFlyer is still suspended at the request of the local financial regulator. According to the publication, the latter insists on the implementation of 10 measures aimed at “radical improvement of business operation efficiency and management system”.

However, against the background of some problems with bitFlyer, the first serious success was reported by another Japanese exchange — GMO Coin. According to its representatives, the company managed to obtain operating profit in the amount of 1,612 million yen (approximately $14.5 million) in the second quarter. At the same time, in the first quarter of this year, the crypto-exchange recorded some loss, which GMO Coin associated with aathe decline in activity due to a significant decline in digital assets prices.

Currently, GMO Coin continues to accept applications from users who want to provide their bitcoins on loan at 5% per annum. Acceptance of applications for the provision of cryptocurrency in the amount from 10 to 200 BTC will last until August 6.

As for the Coincheck crypto exchange, which soon after being hacked became the property of the online broker Monex, its full restart is scheduled for August.







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