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Ethereum Hard-fork Will Be Carried Out Soon. After the Last One the Coin Lost in ...

2019-3-18 13:57| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 644| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

The developers have already started testing the Constantinopol code, this is the next stage of the Metropolis global update, which had begun in 2017.

The Ethereum blockchain project team with a total capitalization of $44 billion began to implement changes to the decentralized platform protocol. This became known at the meeting of the main developers of the company. The update will be completed on August 13, after which the system will be checked for two months and will launch a test network.

The programmers started to test the Constantinopol code: the second stage of the Metropolis hard-fork, which has been going on for a year. Updates should make the Ethereum system more efficient and less costly in terms of fees. The developers have already made several improvements, the rest are in the works.

The first update (Byzntium) took place on October 16 last year, the price of cryptocurrency began to fall immediately after it and for the week fell by 20% to $280. Then it grew and a month later exceeded $500.







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