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9 out of 10 American Blockchain Projects Will Die before End of Year

2019-3-18 13:57| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 567| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

Most of the companies that were planning to implement Distributed ledger technology into their systems overestimated their ability and have to drop it.

Almost all blockchain projects in the US are going to be closed by the end of the year, says American company Forrester Reserch after researching digital money activities, according to Bloomberg. In 90% of the cases this technology will never become a part of the business system, experts say.

Experts also believe that certain companies have tried to implement very well publicized distributed ledger technology but it did’t work. Ron Resnik, executive director of Enterprise Ethrereum Alliance, stated that new blockchain developments are planned for the next year and right companies are only thinking about carrying it out.

Earlier, Forrester Research published its forecast saying that it’s too soon for technological revolution and a lot of companies simply won’t be able to put it into practice. However, companies that understand the potential of this system in the long run will be able to use it later.

Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, stated that digital money industry should be developed gradually and people should be able to spend cryptocurrencies at any corner shop.







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