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Canaan Creative Has Created a Mining-TV

2019-3-18 13:56| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 649| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

Canaan Creative, the company-manufacturer of ASIC-miners, has introduced a new product. This is a TV, and its processor and software can mine cryptocurrency.

In Canaan Creative decided, according to them, to launch a new era of cryptocurrency mining. For this purpose, a mining device is integrated into a AvalonMiner Inside TV.

As any modern TV, it is controlled by a smartphone or even voice. You can watch your favorite movie on the screen of 43 inches, with a 4K resolution.

And a 16-nanometer chip ASIC A3210 will be for responsible mining. According to the developers, the performance of the device will be 2.8 trillion hash/sec.

In addition, the device is able to show you the real profitability of mining of any coin “here and now”.
Of course, it will not be possible to mine Bitcoin this way. TV mines a coin from Canaan, for which you can buy content and products on the manufacturer’s website.

The TV should go on sale the other day, but its cost has not been announced, yet.







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