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Upwork: Blockchain Fastest Growing Skill in US Freelance Market

2019-3-18 13:56| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 586| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

The latest quarterly skills index by global freelancing website Upwork shows that the fastest growing skill in the United States during the second quarter was blockchain. According to the Q2 2018 Upwork Skills Index, blockchain clinched this position by beating over 5,000 other skills listed on one of the largest freelancing platforms in the world.

In addition, Go, a programming language developed by Google, and can be used for blockchain apps development, is also listed on Top 20 skills which clearly shows the growing demand in blockchain related specialists. The feat was a repeat of the first quarter of 2018 when blockchain emerged as the fastest growing skill in the world’s largest economy for the first time. Since last year blockchain-related skills have enjoyed quadruple-digit growth.

Upwork reports that the most wanted skills in blockchain industry are distributed system engineers and developers in various languages and frameworks such as Solidity and Node.js., C ++, as well as Telegram admins and White Paper authors.







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