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Scottish Authorities Use Blockchain in Field of Social Services

2019-3-18 13:56| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 594| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

About the same time the authorities announced on 6 August in the official report titled “Technology of distributed databases in the field of social services.”

According to the researches, blockchain can be used for developing social services platform, which will be presented to various projects. Nevertheless, the authors of the report emphasize that blockchain has to be conform with legislation regarding protected disclosures.

The Scottish Government intends to form a group of experts involved in crypto community aiming at developing the best options of blockchain implementation into the national economy and social services field.
Staff recommended the following website UKAuthority: “the Scottish Executive should facilitate the development of the blockchain technology, in cooperation with the company CivTech, digital CodeClan Academy and the University of Edinburgh?.

It should be reminded that such analytics companies as Big Innovation Centre, DAG Global and Deep Knowledge have published an independent report stating that Great Britain can become the center of blockchain development and digital currency. According to the experts, this country has all the necessary resources and can play a leading role in the market.







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