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Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Believes In Blockchain

2019-3-18 12:59| 发布者: 41caijing| 查看: 591| 评论: 0|来自: ICO Brothers Media

The head of the largest social network Facebook Mark Zuckerberg told about advantages of blockchain technology and laimed that it can replace Facebook Connect system.
Mark Zuckerberg Believes In Blockchain
He expressed this opinion talking to Harvard’s professor Jonathan Zittrain. Zuckerberg believes that blcokchain is able to bring full control over personal data back to people, saving them from intermediaries.
Nevertheless, Facebook CEO sees a considerable disadvantage of blockchain use. If people get 100% control over their data, no third party will be able to protect them. In such a case, if the users let data leakage happen, they will only be able accuse themselves. That’s the problem: Zuckerberg is not sure whether the society is ready for such a responsibility or whether they need third party’s control and support.
In opinion of Mark Zuckerberg, one more blockchain technology disadvantage is its low capacity. He noted that Facebook made huge amount of calculations and it will be just impossible to switch them to decentralization. However, blockchain is developing at leaps and bounds, and, maybe, an appropriate solution will appear in the near future.
If Facebook created blockchain solution, it would influence massive technology adoption and accelerate its global expansion. However, the rumors about development of Facebook’s own crypto currency grow more and more detailed, so, probably, Zuckerberg will probably surprise the crypto community soon.







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